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My name is Irini Iliopulu, I am 22 years old and I am a freelance analog photographer. I am interested in the naked body, sensuality, eroticism, intimacy and the diversity of beauty. With my photographs I try to ensure that all people have a photo to feel represented bodily and to show that the Antomic diversity is normal and beautiful and that all people are beautiful in our own way. Throughout my photographic career I was able to elaborate trauma and express my growth photographically by accepting and differentiating intimacy from sexuality. I accepted both and increasingly pay attention to my curiosity about nudity and sexuality. "

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Documental Biográfico Irina Iliopulu (Instagram @iriniiliopulu) Realizado por el Taller III TV 2019, Turno de 10 a 12 hs. -Licenciatura en Comunicación Social- UNLaM Productora: Pentágono

Integrantes: Aldana Rueda, Pilar Vera, Valentina Vigilante, Mora Violante, Lucía Yasinskyj Docentes: Mariana Paladino, Pamela Hosman, Letelle Santiago

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If you want to know more, write me and I will contact you soon.

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